April’s Meeting Notes

Live Stream from YouTube

This month, for the first time, we recorded the entire meeting and it is now available via my YouTube channel. Click in the video below to watch it.

Websites Mentioned this Month…

Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income Website

The Podcast when Pat interviews Jessica Larrew – A Must Listen!

Jessica Larrew’s Website about Amazon’s Fullfilled by Amazon Program

Amazon’s “Fulfilled by Amazon” Website

The Amazon Web Services information

My Affiliate Link to the Profit Bandit Software – Click to Order.

You will also need a label printer for getting your stuff properly labeled. Here is the one we are using.

Thanks to all who participated. I look forward to seeing you all next month.



Requiem for the Career

You’re Fired!

YellingWomanIn November, my wife was fired from her 16 year career with a nationwide Office supply chain. She prevented a shoplifter from leaving the store with over $600.00 of toner supplies. This type of theft is considered a felony. While it is legal in my state to use (even deadly) force to prevent a felony, it is against an unwritten store policy that employees should never interfere with a shoplifter—you must let them walk. She was aware of this policy, but when the event unfolded, her sense of morality, her deep devotion and absolute loyalty to the company sprang into action. She correctly assessed the situation, saw no danger and acted. She successfully recovered the toner and shortly thereafter, an arrest was made! Sure, we could debate the several issues surrounding the incident, but these are the facts.

She suspected she may get in trouble. She imagined that she would be written up, reprimanded or perhaps even suspended. All of these would have been reasonable and apt corrections, but the choice was made to “separate employment,”  an extreme, insensitive and harsh reaction, given the larger view of her outstanding, unblemished career. To this day, we do not know who made this decision; the details will be forever hidden behind a faceless, heartless, soulless corporate bureaucracy.  And yes, we have pursued every avenue of appeal, including legal. We live in a state where an employer can fire an employee for any reason, without consequence.

We have never felt like correction was unwarranted, it is just that it was so overreaching and harsh. There was no examination of the overall picture—who the employee is, what her family needs might be, her unwavering loyalty to company and career. Why would you fire a 16 year employee Continue reading